Monday, April 4, 2016

Easter + Spring Break!

Spring break fell pretty early this year, and Easter happened to coincide with the break. So we got to enjoy lots of candy, reflect on the grace and love of Jesus, and spend quality time with our peeps. <seewhatididthere> As much as I tried to savor the days, they were gone all too quickly and I'm now back to the grind. The good news is summer break is just around the corner!!! We crammed a lot into those 7 short days- dying Easter eggs, being sneaky and helping my bestie get engaged, having fun at church on Easter, playing with friends at the park, playing outside, and just enjoying Mama/Dax time together.

The physical, spiritual, and emotional struggle to become pregnant and have a normal, healthy pregnancy is something I still have not forgotten; I doubt I ever will. However, my sweet boy has exploded with personality and an iron will. He tests me at every turn and I had a day or two over the break where I pouted and just wanted a break. I cherish that wild little boy, but that does not change the fact that parenting and training a child up in the way he should go is hard. Props to all the mamas and daddies out there fighting to raise children into strong, resilient, kind, loving, successful adults. Like my friend told me- the struggle is real. By Thursday Dax and I both were pretty tired of each other, so we were equally thrilled when Grami and Papaw snatched him up Friday night and let Josh and I have a date night. My early bird had me up before 7 every day of my break, so being able to sleep in until 8 am (insert laughing emoji here) Saturday was refreshing!

The next few weeks don't see us slowing down much as we celebrate friends and family getting married, more friends having babies, and Dax-man's SECOND BIRTHDAY. Holy cow. We're getting pumped about his Paw Patrol party and I'll be sharing all the details and pictures afterward. Any other parents have kids obsessed with those pups?! Chase is Dax's favorite. I have to sing the theme song in the car. My life pretty much revolves around yelping for help.

A peek at our Easter & Spring Break:
hardboiled eggs: not a fan
Lesson of the day- don't lie to Mommy.
2 favorites: Daddy's hat & "brush teeth"
Pay-toe-toe, his best bud

Until next time,

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